Monday, March 30, 2020

Writing Resources 

If your teacher assigns a book report or a writing assignment, here are some generic graphic organizers for writing and to help you with writing assignments:  

Book Summary Graphic Organizer

Book Report

Basic Outline for Pre-planning Writing

Four Steps for Writing using the IVF (Identify the item; Select a verb; Finish your thought) Graphic Organizer

If you want to sharpen your writing skills, these exercises, which are similar to Daily Oral Language, will help you improve your writing skills: 

3rd Grade 

 Daily Language Practice 3rd Grade (Part I- Lessons 1 through 15)
Daily Language Practice 3rd Grade (Part II- Lessons 16 through end)

4th Grade 

Daily Language Practice 4th Grade (Part I- Lessons 1 through 15)
Daily Language Practice 4th Grade (Part II- Lessons 16 through end)


To help you with spelling in your writing.  Here are some lists of High Frequency, Sight words, and Non-phonetic words:  

Sonday level 1: Scope and Sequence with NON-Phonetic (sight words). Please make flash cards and practice daily. (Read, Spell, Read)

List of 300 words with blanks for testing your skills:

List of 300 high frequency, sight words in alphabetical order (good reference to keep on your desk while writing)

Friday, March 27, 2020

Math Review Materials 

Math Facts -  Minute Math 

Why do we have to learn our math facts to automaticity (memorized)?  Memorizing your math facts will help you when math problems begin to get harder. Math problems will begin to take more steps to get to your answers. If you don't have your math facts memorized, it will delay you in your steps, and you may get off track easily.

Why do we have to be timed when practicing our math facts? Timing helps you know if you have memorized your facts. If your facts come to your mind instantly, and you write them down instantly, then you know you have memorized your facts.

I know other math strategies to get my answers, why can't I just use those?  You can!!!  There are many different strategies and ways to get to the answer. You should have many strategies or "tools" in your tool box. It starts being about, time.  The quicker you know the fact, the easier it is to get to your next step.

What is math fluency? Fluency means you can recall your math facts quickly and can apply it to your problem without hesitation.  The more fluent you are in your facts, the easier it will be for you to do multi-step problems as you advance through your math lessons.

Here are some tools for you to use to practice your math facts and improve your math fluency:

1st grade:  

These do not have to be timed or rushed. They are quick daily lessons for your child.

Math Minutes for first graders: (added on 3/27/20)

First Grade Math 3 levels/3ways (added on 3/28/20)
Unit 1-7
Unit 7-12
Unit 13-20
File was too big to bring over to the blog.  Stay tuned for the re-scan.
Unit 21
Unit 22
Practice, tools, Answers

NEW as of 04/02/2020
Teddy Bear Counters Game and Activities:  You will need  to gather some kind of counters to perform these activities.  These activities will help with learning how to count, understanding 1:1 correspondence, greater than, less than, equal to concepts, and more.  Check it out to have some fun ways to learn math concepts.

Time Concepts:  
Time Concepts packet for K-2nd grade (added on 3/28/20)

NEW as of 04/02/2020
Number Poems:  These are great ways for your child to form their numbers correctly.

5th Grade Math Review

Rocket Math:  (added on 3/27/20)  Math fluency






Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Read Naturally/ Read Live 

We are so lucky to have this program available to us in the Learning Center at Folsom Hills Elementary School.  I have used this program since I was a Student Teacher at Blanche Sprentz Elementary School.  It used to be on cassette tapes and paper (I know you don't even know what a cassette is).

Why do we do Readlive? We use Readlive to improve our reading fluency (speed/accuracy/expression), reading comprehension (quiz), and practice our writing skills (retell).

If you are a student in my class, you have a license to use the Read Naturally/Read Live Program.  As you know, I usually don't want you to use this program at home because Mrs. Lim and I facilitate a lot of learning throughout the program.  Remember we want you to (see the poster with all the steps):
  • Read the Vocabulary words 
  • Make a prediction (e.g.  I think this story will be about.........) Use the vocabulary words in the prediction and use the picture along with your who, what, where, when, and how questions, along with your senses (e.g. What does it look like? What does is feel like? What does it do, smell like, etc.) 
  • Do the cold timing:  You need an adult or teacher to help with this. 
  • Listen to the story 3 times  (Make sure you look at the words as the nice Readlive reader reads to you..... I know she sounds like a robot!)
  • Read the story aloud 6 times  (One minute timing each time)  Should only take 6 minutes! Remember to practice your expression along with reading every word correctly.  
  • Take the quiz:  Look back at the story to find evidence for your answer; Answer the short answer in a complete sentence, using the question in the answer. 
  • Practice the word list (If you are in the Phonics Program) three times. 
  • OR 
  • Write the retell:  This must be in Summary (This story was about........) format with a minimum of five sentences (Topic Sentence, three details, and a conclusion).  This needs to be a minimum of 60 words to pass Mrs. Fields' standards. Do your best on this! 
  • Do the hot timing;  You need an adult or teacher to help with this.  

If you are doing this at home, please keep a reading log of the stories you have read and passed.  I will be able to see your work through the Readlive program on my computer.  I am the coordinator and can see your work.  It would be very helpful to me if you kept the log and handed it in when we return to school or sooner.

Here's how it will work at home:  

  • I will send your parent an e-mail for them to set up their own password.  They will be able to do your cold timings and your hot timings. 
  • You will be responsible for teaching your parent about how Readlive works and what you need.  
  • Most of you are Readlive experts!  
  • If you are a student who hasn't done Readlive in a couple years, I hope you remember how to do it.  Just try it out, and you'll soon remember.  
  • Remember don't know what I mean.....and you're only cheating yourself.  

I am attaching the following links about Readlive for your parent.  Please read the generic parent letter and the poster.  Don't freak yourselves out reading the 20 page lesson plan. The information sheet has web addresses for webinars and videos which are not necessary unless you are super excited about Readlive.  Seriously parents, please just have your kid teach you how to do Readlive or give me a holler.

Parent Letter:

Readlive Poster:

Readlive Information Sheet (Webinars and Videos):

Readlive Lesson Plan:

Logging In:
Account #:  (I will send on e-mail)
User ID:  (Students know their ID's or I will send on e-mail)
Password:  (Students know their Passwords or I will send on e-mail)

Parent will receive an e-mail with instructions on setting up your password.  I will assign your User ID and you will see it on the e-mail.

Next steps, log in, try it out, let me know what you need.  If student or parent has any questions, issues, concerns or if I need to change reading options, or move student to the next level, please send me an e-mail.

If you feel overwhelmed, don't do this.  I'm making this available for you all as an opportunity, not an extra stressor.

Have fun reading all the great stories on Readlive!

Mrs. Fields

Reading Comprehension Skills 

Why do we read?  We read for understanding.  Reading Comprehension means that we learn from what we read.  There are skills we can learn to improve our reading comprehension. Check out this link for a list of some of the comprehension skills.

How do we improve on these skills?  READ, READ, READ!!!!  See why your teachers and parents are always telling you to read!  Many of us need to read the same material many times before we truly understand what the material is saying.  This is especially difficult when the topic you are reading about doesn't interest you.  There will always be material that interests you and material that doesn't interest you.

Instructional level:  It is important you read at your instructional level.  If you don't read at your instructional level, you will get frustrated and disinterested in what you are reading and you will not learn.  If you read materials that are below your level, you will be bored. If you read materials that are above your level, you will give up, be frustrated, and stop reading that material.

How do we determine your instructional level?  We use your Lexile.  At Folsom Hills, we use either your i-Ready Lexile or your SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory Lexile.  Don't get too hung up on your Lexile level.  You can read any book you are interested in!  Your teachers and I recommend a reading range of 100 points above and 100 points below your level.

If you want to find a book to read that interests you, here is a website you can use;

If you want to check the Lexile of any book, you can look it up on this website:

If you are a student in my class, you have a team of people who have set comprehension goals for you.  It's my job, alongside your classroom teacher, to teach you comprehension skills.  I have to have a way to measure these goals.  I have scanned some comprehension activities for you to work on at home.  When we return to school, we will work on these skills in small group, just like before.  In the meantime, if you do these activities at home and hand them in to me, I will be able to measure your goals and see if you are learning and progressing.

If you hand in these activities to me, and you do your very best work, you will earn a Fox Dollar for each lesson you do.  We'll figure out a way for you to hand them in.  I am providing three lessons at a time in your grade level here. I will add new ones each week (or as soon as I can get them scanned).

Good luck and have fun with these lessons and stories!

1st grade:  

2nd grade:

Strategies 1-3:  Skills taught:  Main Idea, Facts and Details, Sequence

Strategies 4-6:  Skills taught:  Cause and Effect, Compare/Contrast, Predictions

3rd grade: 
Strategies 1-3: Skills taught:  Main Idea, Facts and Details, Sequence

Strategies 4-6:  Skills taught:  Cause and Effect, Compare/Contrast, Predictions

Strategies 7-10: Skills taught:  Finding Meaning in Text; Drawing Conclusions; Predictions; Author's Purpose

Strategies 11 and 12:  Skills taught: Interpreting Figurative Language; Real versus Make Believe

4th grade:  

Strategies 1-3: Skills taught:  Main Idea, Facts and Details, Sequence

Strategies 4-6: Skills taught:  Cause and Effect, Compare/Contrast, Predictions

Strategies 7-10:  Finding Meaning in Text; Drawing Conclusions; Predictions; Author's Purpose

Strategies 11, 12, and Review:  Figurative Language; Real versus Make Believe; Review of 1-12

5th grade:

Strategies 1-3: Skills taught:  Main Idea, Facts and Details, Sequence

Strategies 4-6:  Skills taught:

Strategies 7-9:  Skills taught:

Strategies 10-12:  Skills taught:

Watch for more reading comprehension strategies coming your way soon!

Mrs. Fields

Daily Oral Language

Daily Oral Language (DOL)

These are short activities used as warm-ups by many classrooms each day. In the Learning Center, when we do Daily Oral Language, I have the students do the activity on their own for 5 minutes (set a timer). Then we correct our answers together. Usually this takes another 5 minutes, but this is where the teachable moments are.  If there is an opportunity to review a concept on the daily activity, I often take extra time to teach a mini-lesson on that particular topic (e.g. capitalization, punctuation, possessive nouns, contractions, commas).

I recommend only printing a few of these at a time.  Maybe do 5 per week, one per day.

If your child has me as their teacher, I have their entire packet already printed and ready to go (except for first grade).  If you are a first grade parent, I recommend printing the entire first file, then print a few pages each day for your child to work on.  If your child is in 2nd through 5th grade and want to retrieve their packet, send me an e-mail and we can arrange a "porch pick up".  I am attaching the DOL I have scanned on my computer here:

First Grade (Part A and Part B):
ht tps://

Second Grade:

Third Grade:

Fourth Grade:

Fifth Grade:

Have fun with your DOL!