Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Reading Comprehension Skills 

Why do we read?  We read for understanding.  Reading Comprehension means that we learn from what we read.  There are skills we can learn to improve our reading comprehension. Check out this link for a list of some of the comprehension skills.


How do we improve on these skills?  READ, READ, READ!!!!  See why your teachers and parents are always telling you to read!  Many of us need to read the same material many times before we truly understand what the material is saying.  This is especially difficult when the topic you are reading about doesn't interest you.  There will always be material that interests you and material that doesn't interest you.

Instructional level:  It is important you read at your instructional level.  If you don't read at your instructional level, you will get frustrated and disinterested in what you are reading and you will not learn.  If you read materials that are below your level, you will be bored. If you read materials that are above your level, you will give up, be frustrated, and stop reading that material.

How do we determine your instructional level?  We use your Lexile.  At Folsom Hills, we use either your i-Ready Lexile or your SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory Lexile.  Don't get too hung up on your Lexile level.  You can read any book you are interested in!  Your teachers and I recommend a reading range of 100 points above and 100 points below your level.

If you want to find a book to read that interests you, here is a website you can use;

If you want to check the Lexile of any book, you can look it up on this website:

If you are a student in my class, you have a team of people who have set comprehension goals for you.  It's my job, alongside your classroom teacher, to teach you comprehension skills.  I have to have a way to measure these goals.  I have scanned some comprehension activities for you to work on at home.  When we return to school, we will work on these skills in small group, just like before.  In the meantime, if you do these activities at home and hand them in to me, I will be able to measure your goals and see if you are learning and progressing.

If you hand in these activities to me, and you do your very best work, you will earn a Fox Dollar for each lesson you do.  We'll figure out a way for you to hand them in.  I am providing three lessons at a time in your grade level here. I will add new ones each week (or as soon as I can get them scanned).

Good luck and have fun with these lessons and stories!

1st grade:  

2nd grade:

Strategies 1-3:  Skills taught:  Main Idea, Facts and Details, Sequence

Strategies 4-6:  Skills taught:  Cause and Effect, Compare/Contrast, Predictions 

3rd grade: 
Strategies 1-3: Skills taught:  Main Idea, Facts and Details, Sequence

Strategies 4-6:  Skills taught:  Cause and Effect, Compare/Contrast, Predictions 

Strategies 7-10: Skills taught:  Finding Meaning in Text; Drawing Conclusions; Predictions; Author's Purpose 

Strategies 11 and 12:  Skills taught: Interpreting Figurative Language; Real versus Make Believe

4th grade:  

Strategies 1-3: Skills taught:  Main Idea, Facts and Details, Sequence 

Strategies 4-6: Skills taught:  Cause and Effect, Compare/Contrast, Predictions 

Strategies 7-10:  Finding Meaning in Text; Drawing Conclusions; Predictions; Author's Purpose

Strategies 11, 12, and Review:  Figurative Language; Real versus Make Believe; Review of 1-12

5th grade:

Strategies 1-3: Skills taught:  Main Idea, Facts and Details, Sequence 

Strategies 4-6:  Skills taught:

Strategies 7-9:  Skills taught: 

Strategies 10-12:  Skills taught:

Watch for more reading comprehension strategies coming your way soon!

Mrs. Fields

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