Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Daily Oral Language

Daily Oral Language (DOL)

These are short activities used as warm-ups by many classrooms each day. In the Learning Center, when we do Daily Oral Language, I have the students do the activity on their own for 5 minutes (set a timer). Then we correct our answers together. Usually this takes another 5 minutes, but this is where the teachable moments are.  If there is an opportunity to review a concept on the daily activity, I often take extra time to teach a mini-lesson on that particular topic (e.g. capitalization, punctuation, possessive nouns, contractions, commas).

I recommend only printing a few of these at a time.  Maybe do 5 per week, one per day.

If your child has me as their teacher, I have their entire packet already printed and ready to go (except for first grade).  If you are a first grade parent, I recommend printing the entire first file, then print a few pages each day for your child to work on.  If your child is in 2nd through 5th grade and want to retrieve their packet, send me an e-mail and we can arrange a "porch pick up".  I am attaching the DOL I have scanned on my computer here:

First Grade (Part A and Part B):
ht tps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ojOJ0VbOp1qX2qcPWbbls1TOC2Vso97z

Second Grade:

Third Grade:

Fourth Grade:

Fifth Grade:

Have fun with your DOL!

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